本站为【传爱成考】旗下网站,主要提供免费成人高考政策与资讯,信息仅供学习交流,非官方网站,具体信息以云南省教育考试院 www.ynzs.cn为准。



云南成人高考网 发布时间:2022-08-29 14:18:53





  如:When you apply for a job,you must present your credentials.当你申请工作时,你必须递交你的有关证件。(同时)

  When the students heard the teache's footsteps,they all stopped talking. 当学生们听到老师的脚步声时,他们都停止了说话。(从句动作发生在前)

  when还可以表示just then(正在那时)的意思,此时其引导的从句只放在主句之后。

  如:we were about to start when it began to rain.我们正要动身,突然下起雨来。


  如:While the teacher paraphrased the text in English,the students listened attentively and took notes.当老师用英语阐释课文时,同学们注意地听并且做着笔记。

  The door bell rang while I was watching TV.我正在看电视的时候门铃响了。

  while 还可以做并列连词,相当于whereas,连接一个表示对比的并列分句。

  如:Mary was dressed in blue while Jane was dressed in red.玛丽穿蓝色的衣服,而珍妮穿红色的衣服。

  c)as 表示“当…时”或“一边…一边”。他引导的时间状语从句的动作也是延续性的,并且侧重主句动作和从句动作的同时发生。

  如:As the students walked to their dorms,they sang happily.学生们一边往宿舍走,一边快乐的唱着歌。

  (2)whenever,each time,every time任何时候;每当

  如:Whenever/Every time/Each time I met her,she was studying.我每次看见她时,她总是在学习。

  (3)since(自从),ever since(从那时起一直到现在)

  since,ever since 引导的从句通常用一般过去时,主句中的谓语动词用完成时。

  如:We have never met since we graduated from the college.我们自从大学毕业后就没有见过面。


  before 引导的从句一般表示主句的动作发生在从句动作之前,如从句是过去时,主句一般要用过去完成时。after引导的从句,表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之后,如主句是过去时,从句一般用过去完成时。

  如:I had written my dissertation before my supervisor went abroad.在导师出国之前,我已完成了我的学位论文。

  After the boy had finished his homework,he played football with his friends.这个小男孩在完成作业后,和他的小伙伴们踢了一会球。

  (5)till, until


  如:He will remain in college until(till)he finished his Ph.D course.他将留在学校里面直到完成他的博士学位课程。


  如:I will not go with you until(till)I finish my homework.等我做完作业我才和你一起去。

  (6)as soon as,immediately,directly,once,the moment,no sooner…than,hardly…when等引导的从句都表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作随即就发生了。即“一……就”。

  如:As soon as we got home,the telephone rang.我们一到家,电话就响了。

  注:no sooner…than, hardly…when引导的从句,主句中的动词用过去完成时,从句用过去时。且no sooner, hardly位于句首,要倒装主句的主谓。

  He had no sooner arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.他一到家,就又要出另一次差。

  No sooner had he arrived home than he was asked to start on another jouney.


  引导地点状语从句的连词有:where (在……地方),wherever (无论哪里),everywhere (到处),anywhere (任何地方)等。

  如:Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

  You can go wherever you like these days.这些天你可以去你想去的地方。





  for 引出的分句,语气最弱,主要是补充说明原因,解释另外一个分句,且只能放在句子后部。

  如:I didn't go abroad with her because I couldn't afford it.我没有和她一起出国是因为费用太高。

  Since traveling by air is much faster,they decided to take a plane.既然乘飞机旅行快得多,他们就决定坐飞机。

  As it is snowing,we shall not climb the mountain.由于在下雪,我们就不爬山了。

  It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.昨晚准下雨了,地面是湿的。

  (2)now that, seeing that, considering that, in that表示鉴于,由于。in that只能放在主句之后。

  如:Now that you have passed your test,you can drive on your own.你驾驶考试既然已经合格,就可以独自开车了。

  Seeing that the weather is bad,we'll stay at home.由于天气不好,我们要呆在家了。

  I am in a slightly awkward position,in that he‘s not arriving until 10th.我的处境有点难堪,因为他要十号才来。


  (1)if (如果),unless(除非);unless相当于if not.

  如:I will buy a computer if I am able to save up enough money. 如果我能存下足够的钱,我就买台电脑。

  Unless the weather was bad,my father always used to take a walk in the evening.除非天气不好,我的父亲晚上总是去散步。

  (2)suppose/supposing that,provided/providing that(假如)

  如:Supposing that it rains,can we play the match indoors?要是下雨,我们在室内比赛行吗?

  Iwill agree to go provided that my expenses are paid.假如为我负担费用,我就同意去。


  although,though引导让步状语从句,主句不能用 “but”。

  如:Although they lack official support,they continue their struggle.他们虽然没有得到官方的支持,但仍然继续奋斗。


  如:Strong as you may be,you can not lift it. 尽管你可能很有力气,你却无法把他提起来。

  Hard as he tried,he was unable to make much progress.他虽然竭尽全力,但是没有取得多大的进步。


  so that, in order that 。 引导目的状语从句,从句的谓语常用can,could,may,might,shall,should,will, would等情态动词。in order that可以位于主句的前面或后面。so that引导的从句只能放在主句之后。

  如:They started early so that they might arrive in time.他们早点动身,以便准时到达。

  In order that they could go around West Lake,they stopped at Hangzhou.为了游览西湖,他们在杭州停了下来。


  (1)so …that;such…that表示“如此……以至于”

  so 后面通常接形容词或副词。such后面通常为名词。如果名词前有many,much等修饰,要用so…that...


  如:There is so little time left that I have to tell you about it later.现在剩下的时间不多了,我只只好以后再给你讲这事。

  He told us such a funny story that we all laughed.

  He told us so funny a story that we all laughed.

  (2)so that“以至于,所以”。引导的结果状语从句之前可以有逗号。

  如:She phoned me on arrival so that I knew she was safe and sound.她到达之后给我打了电话,我知道她平安无恙。

  注:so that可以引导结果状语从句也可以引导目的状语从句,除了根据句意来判断外,还可以根据结构形式来判断。若从句前有逗号,一般为结果状语从句。如果从句中有情态动词,一般则为目的状语从句。

  如:They started out early,so that they did not miss the train.他们早早出发了,所以没有误了火车。(结果状语)

  They started out early so that they would not miss the train.他们早早出发是为了不误火车。(目的状语)



  如:She enjoys all kinds of music,as I do.她各种音乐都喜爱,和我一样。

  Why didn't you catch the last bus as I told you to?你怎么不听我的话赶乘末班公共汽车呢?

  注:口语中like可以用作连词,当作as 使用。

  如:Nobody understands him like /as I do. 没有人能像我这样理解他。

  (2)as if/though(好像)引导方式状语从句往往用虚拟,表示与事实相反。

  如:They looked at me as if /as though I were mad.他们看着我好像我发疯了似的。








